Sunday 30 June 2013

End of my 30 day spending ban

Hey everyone
Well, it's come to the end of 30 days and I can tell you, the ban didn't really go that well. In these 30 days I bought a Queen Anne Vanity which was $90 on eBay which is a great deal! I put in an order for Bdellium brushes on iherb and the last thing was I bought some things at the heat group makeup sale.

Apart from that I did pretty well, fixed my shopping urges on grocery shopping (yes hello I'm Mel and I'm a shopaholic! ) it's crazy hard to keep strong and not spend! Specially when there are so so many sales going on around me and I work in a shopping center!

Jamie was the same she spent a little more than I did but for first time spending banners, we did not bad. 

Next time I'm sure we will do a little better! 

If you have and questions just ask! i will try answer them as best i can :)
Please Follow, and leave comments, i love seeing what you have to say about my blogs.

                     Melissa xx


Sweetaholic Beauty said...

Haha, first times are made for failure! I wouldn't count your vanity anyway, that's an amazing deal and you totally needed one.. :P

Melissa Bubbles said...

Haha I thought that about the vanity also! Ohh phew! I thought I did really bad haha

Unknown said...

you did well, think of all the thing you might of bought if u were not on a spending ban. I def need to save the pennies, and not buy silly things hehe

Erica D said...

At least you tried to cut back hun, I didn't even attempt it lol

Jasminecara said...

Haha you didn't do too badly! I'm going a spending man atm :S Kind of scared haha xx